This unique anthology of 129 short stories encompasses both Western and non-western writing and includes a diverse representation of ethnic voices from within the United States as well as less-frequently-anthologized stories by well-known writers and a substantial number of selections by women. It includes both classic and contemporary stories that reflect thematic, aesthetic, and cultural variety: diversity of styles, subjects and points of view as well as diversity of cultural, historical, and gender perspectives. Headnotes and questions for each story provide contextual enhancement and guidelines for critical thinking and reflection.Includes stories from the United States, Canada, Nigeria, Ghana, Japan, Chile, Lebanon, England, Russia, Germany, Argentina, Italy, Algeria, France, Poland, Denmark, Senegal, China, Mexico, Colombia, South Africa, Iceland, Australia, Ireland, Czechoslovakia, Palestinian, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Antigua, Sweden, Rhodesia, Singapore, Egypt, New Zealand, Puerto Rico, Barbados, Korea, India, Costa Rica, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, Israel, Uruguay, Cuba, Guatemala, Peru, Ivory Coast, Turkey, Zimbabwe, Bangladesh.For anyone interested in the short story, both Western and non-western.