Discover where learning comes to life
"MyPsychLab" "MyPsychLab" is an exciting new learning and teaching tool designed to increase student success in the classroom, and quickly and easily give instructors access to every imaginable resource needed to teach and administer an introductory psychology course--all housed in one rich site.
"MyPsychLab" will help students learn, and will save instructors time! And, it's easy to use
Learning in Context For Students!
"MyPsychLab" is built on the strength of learning in context. Students actually use the e-book--in exactly the same layout as the printed version--to launch multimedia resources such as animations, video clips, audio explanations, and activities, and profiles of prominent psychologists.
Bring Learning to Life with Simulations!
Visual learning enhances test scores; students will test better after not only reading about psychological material, but actually seeing the concept come to life with the help ofmultimedia. At the center of "MyPsychLab" are highly interactive simulations that let students experience psychological phenomena for themselves, which include visual illusions, cognitive maps, memory retrieval, concept formation using prototypes, and more.
Know what to you need to study!
"MyPsychLab" provides students with multiple structured testing and quizzing opportunities within each chapter to reinforce concepts presented. Results from these assessments then generate an Individualized Study Plan, which allows students to pinpoint exactly where additional study and review is needed.
Additional help always available!
Do students still need additional assistance studyingand completing assignments? "MyPsychLab" also offers students access to The Tutor Center, a free, one on one tutoring service during afternoon and evening hours, and Research Navigator, Pearson Education's online database of aca