One of the most influential books in the field in years!
Making Content Comprehensible for English Learners: The SIOP®Modelpresents a coherent, specific, field-tested model of sheltered instruction that specifies the features of a high quality sheltered lesson that teaches content material to English language learners.
For twelve years, educators have turned to Jana Echevarría, MaryEllen Vogt, and Deborah Short for an empirically validated model of sheltered instruction. In the Third Edition of this best-seller, the authors include new research findings and studies on the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP®) Model, which offers school administrators, teachers, teacher candidates, coaches, university faculty, and field experience supervisors a tool for observing and quantifying a teacher's implementation of quality sheltered instruction.
Ringing Endorsements
“A framework that will engage, support, and increase the academic achievement of our culturally and linguistically diverse students. The [SIOP Model went] from good to great!”
—Socorro Herrera, Kansas State University
“Readability, organization, and practicality! The SIOP addresses precisely the needs that my beginning teachers face…the CD for SIOP…makes it all understandable. I love the book!”
—Danny Brassell, California State University, Dominguez Hills
Take a Glimpse Inside the Third Edition:
- New,user-friendly format of the SIOP®protocol.
- Background Sectionsinclude descriptions of the eight components and thirty features of the SIOP®Model, and are updated to reflect recent research and best practices to help readers plan and prepare effective sheltered lessons.
- Practical Guidelinesto help readers develop effective language and content objectives.
- Discussion Questionshave been rewritten and are appropriate for portfolio development in pre-service and graduate classes, for professional development workshops, or for teacher reflection and application.
- Agroundbreaking CD-ROMwith video clips, interviews of the authors, and reproducible resources (e.g., lesson plan formats), make this the perfect professional development asset for any grade level or content area teacher!