The CliffsTestPrep series offers full-length practice exams that simulate the real tests; proven test-taking strategies to increase your chances at doing well; and thorough review exercises to help fill in any knowledge gaps. Math Review for Standardized Tests is for anyone who is planning to take the *SAT, ACT, GRE, GMAT, *PSAT, CBEST, NTE, or any other standardized test. You get a fighting chance at success by focusing squarely on a test-oriented math review. Each review section includes:
- A diagnostic test to spot areas that need special attention
- Rules and concepts with examples
- Practice problems
- Complete (and understandable) explanations
- A review test
If your math skills are shaky, this guide will refresh your memory by reintroducing mathematical rules and concepts you've learned but since forgotten. Glossaries assist your understanding of math terms used in the problems and explanations. Math Review for Standardized Tests covers these areas of math:
- Arithmetic, including rounding off, positives and negatives, fractions, decimals, percentages, scientific notation, exponents, square roots, statistics, measures
- Algebra, including sets, variables, expressions, ratios, factoring, proportions, monomials, polynomials, quadratic equations, inequalities, roots and radicals.
- Geometry, including angles, lines, polygons, triangles, Pythagorean Theorem, quadrilaterals, circles, congruence and similarity, and solid figures
- Word problems, including simple and compound interest, ratio and proportion, motion, percentages, ages, geometry, mixtures
With guidance from the CliffsTestPrep series, you'll feel at home in any standardized-test environment!
*SAT and PSAT are registered trademarks of the College Board, which was not involved in the production of, and does not endorse this product.