Image for A history of the modern Middle East

A history of the modern Middle East

by Cleveland William L.


This comprehensive work provides a penetrating analysis of modern Middle Eastern history, from the Ottoman and Egyptian reforms, through the challenge of Western imperialism, to the Iranian Revolution and the Gulf War. After introducing the reader to the region's history from the origins of Islam in the seventh century, Cleveland focuses on the past two centuries of profound and often dramatic change. While built around a framework of political history, the book also carefully integrates social, cultural, and economic developments into a single, carefully crafted account. The revised and updated second edition of this benchmark text includes information on the Middle East since the close of the Cold War, and a new section on civil society and Islamic politics in the 1990s.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2000
ISBN-13 9780813334899
ISBN-10 0813334896
Class Copyright
Publisher Westview Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 585
Shelf No. GG692