Image for Muckraking : three landmark articles

Muckraking : three landmark articles

Bedford series in history and culture

by Baker Ray Stannard


Printed together for the first time since their original publication in 1903, Ray Stannard Baker's piece on the coal strike, "The Right to Work"; Lincoln Steffens' expose of political corruption, "The Shame of Minneapolis"; and Ida Tarbell's story of corporate villainy, "The Oil War of 1872"; along with an editorial from S. S. McClure and the narrative of Ellen Fitzpatrick, invite students to explore and understand "muckraking."

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Book Information

Copyright year 1994
ISBN-13 9780312089443
ISBN-10 0312089449
Class Copyright
Publisher Bedford Books of St. Martin's Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 132
Shelf No. GM663