Get into the hacker's mind--and outsmart him!Fully updated for the latest threats, tools, and countermeasuresSystematically covers proactive, reactive, and preemptive security measuresDetailed, step-by-step techniques for protecting HP-UX, Linux, and UNIX systems"Takes on even more meaning now than the original edition!"--Denny Georg, CTO, Information Technology, Hewlett-PackardSecure your systems against today's attacks--and tomorrow's."Halting the Hacker: A Practical Guide to Computer Security, Second Edition" combines unique insight into the mind of the hacker with practical, step-by-step countermeasures for protecting any HP-UX, Linux, or UNIX system. Top Hewlett-Packard security architect Donald L. Pipkin has updated this global bestseller for today's most critical threats, tools, and responses. Pipkin organizes this book around the processes hackers use to gain access, privileges, and control--showing you exactly how they work and the best ways to respond. Best of all, Pipkin doesn't just tell you what to do, but why. Using dozens of new examples, he gives you the skills and mindset to protect yourself against any current exploit--and attacks that haven't even been imagined yet. How hackers select targets, identify systems, gather information, gain access, acquire privileges, and avoid detectionHow multiple subsystems can be used in harmony to attack your computers and networksSpecific steps you can take immediately to improve the security of any HP-UX, Linux, or UNIX systemHow to build a secure UNIX system from scratch--with specifics for HP-UX and Red Hat LinuxSystematic proactive, reactive, and preemptive security measuresSecurity testing, ongoing monitoring, incident response, and recovery--in depthLegal recourse: What laws are being broken, what you need to prosecute, and how to overc