In this 6th edition of SUSTAINING THE EARTH Miller has added an on-line Web-based resource, called the Resource Integration Guide. Updated quarterly with CNN ‚ Today video clips, animations, and articles from InfoTrac ‚ College Edition instructors will be able to seamlessly incorporate the most current news articles and up-to-the-minute research findings to support classroom instruction and text presentations. The content in the 6th edition of SUSTAINING THE EARTHby Tyler Miller is everything you have come to expect and more. Two new chapters on basic ecology (Chapters 3 and 4) have been added to this edition to enhance this science-based book. This text differs from Miller ‚'s comprehensive text, LIVING IN THE ENVIRONMENT, 13th Edition, because there is much less detail and more integration of topics, with a different chapter order. For example, the following topics have been integrated into single chapters: human population dynamics and urban problems are in Chapter 5, nonrenewable and renewable energy resources are in Chapter 6, terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity are in Chapter 7, water resources and water pollution are in Chapter 12, solid and hazardous waste are in Chapter 13, and environmental economics, politics, and worldviews are in Chapter 14. For the first time ever in a Miller textbook, students will receive a CD-ROM, entitled Interactive Concepts in Environmental Science. This groundbreaking addition integrates nearly 100 engaging animations and interactions with chapter summaries, flashcards, and Web-based quizzes. Organized by chapter, students will find links to relevant resources, narrated animations, interactive figures, and prompts to review material and test themselves. Miller has remained true to his hallmark features, such as high quality end-of-chapter questions, an orientation toward prevention rather than clean-up, an integration of Web resources and video, and a balanced presentation of controversial environmental issues.