This is Volume C (1789-Present) of THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Second Edition. True to its title, THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE focuses on the Western experience, while also placing that experience in the wider context of developments in Africa, Asia, the Americas, and the Pacific. Accessible and clearly written, Cannistraro and Reich's text illustrates the causal connections across cultures and historical periods, conveying the record of human struggle and achievement, of conflict and community, of cultural diversity, of economic and technological developments, and of social change. The text's unique cultural perspective and theme and its unusually rich coverage of cultural history offer vivid images that communicate the full range of human experience. The "Perspectives" theme, which appears in every part and topic opener and in features, gives the book its unifying motif. Meanwhile, the book's flexible, modular structure ensures that you can easily adapt the text to your syllabus. THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE is also available in the following split options: THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Complete Volume, Second Edition (Contains Parts I-VIII) ISBN: 053461065X; THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Volume I: To 1715, Second Edition (Contains Parts I-VI) ISBN: 0534610668; THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Volume II: Since 1500, Second Edition (Contains Parts IV-VIII) ISBN: 0534610676; THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Volume A: To 1500, Second Edition (Contains Parts I-IV) ISBN: 0534610692; THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Volume B: 1300-1815, Second Edition (Contains Parts III-VII) ISBN: 0534610706; THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Volume C: 1789-Present, Second Edition (Contains Parts VI-VIII) ISBN: 0534610714; THE WESTERN PERSPECTIVE, Alternative Volume: Since 1300, Second Edition (Parts III-VIII, Topics 20-95) ISBN: 0534610684.