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Religions of the world

by Hopfe Lewis M.


This best-selling introduction to world religions is ideal for readers with no previous exposure to the subject. Offering accurate, comparative descriptions of a broad range of religions, it gives background material on religious theory and study, while exploring living religions in terms of the historical and cultural factors that produced them. The book concentrates on the lives of the founders of different religions, their basic teachings, and their current status in the world. Unlike other books, "Religions of the World" includes chapters on Native American and African religions as well as the “ smaller” text-based religions, such as Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism, and Baha'i. An excellent reference work for those involved in religion and the study of religion, including those involved in marketing for various religious publications, videos, etc.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2004
ISBN-13 9780131830073
ISBN-10 0131830074
Class Copyright
Publisher Pearson/Prentice Hall
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 414
Shelf No. GW892