This popular, well-respected text presents essential information on nutrition principles, nutrition throughout the life cycle, and an introduction to clinical nutrition. It is best known for its personal application approach and presentation of nutrition principles from basic science to application in practice. Updated with accurate, up-to-the-minute references, this eighth edition provides a condensed, comprehensive format perfect for use in nursing, dietetics, and other allied health programs. As an added value, each text contains the NUTRITRAC Nutrition Analysis CD-ROM (Version III).
- A logical development of content moves from the underlying concepts of nutrition to applications in clinical practice.
- A personal applied approach to nutrition needs and problems is reflected in the writing style and the practical applications included in each chapter.
- A preview and basic outline at the beginning of each chapter establish a focus for the reader.
- Practical Application boxes provide information and examples of real-life use of the chapter material.
- To Probe Further boxes extend the discussion of chapter content to issues of interest to readers.
- Definition boxes found throughout each chapter define key terms and are placed near relevant text discussion to ensure comprehension.
- Case Study boxes are included in most chapters to promote discussion and analysis of real-life situations.
- To Sum Up sections summarize and condense important chapter content for review.
- Questions for Review offer opportunities for readers to check their understanding of the chapter content.
- Further Reading, presented at the end of each chapter, offers suggestions for follow-up reading.
- Issues and Answers end each chapter with an in-depth examination of a relevant issue, question, or controversy.
- Extensive appendixes provide a variety of reference tools, including the new CDC growth charts, cultural dietary patterns, Exchange Lists for Meal Planning, assessment of nutritional status percentiles, dietary fiber in selected plant foods, caffeine content of common beverages and drugs, fatty acid content of common vegetable oils, and other nutrition-related information.
- The latest CDC growth charts are provided in the appendixes.
- The chapters on diabetes mellitus, HIV/AIDS, cancer, renal disease, and enteral and parenteral nutrition have been thoroughly updated.
- The latest Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs) are incorporated.
- A new coauthor and eight new contributors inject a fresh approach and clinically-relevant updates.
- Web sites of interest are supplied in several chapters throughout the text, providing further resources for readers to explore.