The Eleventh Edition ofBecoming a Master Studentraises the bar for Student Success texts. While the vision and proven content of the text has been maintained, the Eleventh Edition has been rejuvenated with a cleaner, more sophisticated design that appeals to both traditional students and adult learners. Other enhancements include a new organizational framework that provides structure throughout the text and helps students learn to monitor thinking and learning; career application case studies at the end of each chapter that allow students to apply new skills to the workplace right away; improved integration of learning styles within each chapter to make addressing the four modes of learning easier; and expanded coverage of multiple intelligences and a new visual, auditory, and kinesthetic inventory in to help students discover more about their individual learning styles. The long-standing best seller in student success,Becoming a Master Studentgives students a framework for examining their lives from a self-discovery perspective. Through a student-created and value-based approach to life and learning, the text inspires and motivates students to acquire and develop the skills needed for success in college and throughout life. Articles, strategies, and exercises help students understand their strengths and weaknesses, set goals, and practice academic and life skills. Master Student Map (Metacognitive Application Process)feature provides an organizational framework that introduces each chapter and acts as a common theme throughout the text to guide students in monitoring thinking and learning. Power Process: "Discover What You Want"motivates students to act on their goals. Technology chapter assists students in mastering learning in an online environment; finding useful, accurate information on the Internet; and taking part in online communities that promote success. Put It to Workfeature shows students how skills apply to the world of work. Similarly, the feature discusses how skills developed in the workplace can translate to academic work. Money Management coverage in the new "Planning" chapter helps students get started in planning their finances right from the start. Discovery and Intention Journal Entry Systemasks students to explain the whys, whats, and hows in their writing, and offers instructors a more specific and measurable form of journal writing than any other text. Journal entries at the beginning of each chapter stimulate thinking and help students understand why the material is beneficial; articles provide students with information, ideas and suggestions to help them succeed; exercises engage students and allow them to practice new skills; and Discovery and Intention Statements and Learning Style Applications at the end of each chapter show students how to tie all the information together and use it in the future. Master Student Profilesinclude Craig Kielburger, Paul Farmer, and Bayard Rustin, as well as Suny Urrutia Moore, Greg Louganis, CÉsar ChÁvez, Helen Keller, Barbara Jordan, Ron Brown, Fred Smith, Christopher Reeve, and Golda Meir.