First Aid for Colleges and Universities,Ninth Edition, is intended for students in a full-semester course leading to First Aid/CPR certification. It is designed specifically for college-level courses in First Aid and meets American Red Cross guidelines, while providing more depth and detail than the other available texts in the market. In addition to comprehensive coverage of many first aid situations, this book provides self-tests, critical thinking exercises, and skill assessment checklists. TheNinth Editionhas been revised to include the 2005 American Red Cross CPR standards for adult and pediatric patients, as well as coverage of the variations between American Red Cross and American Heart Association guidelines. Introduction to First Aid Care, Anatomy and Physiology of Body Systems, Victim Assessment, Basic Life Support: Artificial Ventilation, Basic Life Support: Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, Bleeding and Shock, Soft-Tissue Injuries, Injuries to the Face, Eye, and Throat, Injuries to the Chest, Abdomen, and Genitalia, Bandaging, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Common Sport and Recreational Injuries, Head and Spine Injuries, Poisoning Emergencies, Drug and Alcohol Emergencies, Cardiovascular and Stroke Emergencies, Respiratory Emergencies, Diabetic Emergencies, Acute Abdominal Distress and Related Emergencies, Epilepsy, Dizziness, and Fainting, Childbirth and Related Emergencies, Pediatric and Geriatric Emergencies, Bites and Stings, Burn Emergencies, Heat and Cold Emergencies, Water Emergencies, Wilderness Emergencies, Psychological Emergencies and Disasters, Lifting and Moving Victims, Vehicle Stabilization and Victim Extrication.For all readers interested in First Aid.