Image for The Little Penguin Handbook

The Little Penguin Handbook

Faigley Ser.

by Lester Faigley


The Little Penguin Handbookcontinues to revolutionize the way brief handbooks present information making it easier for you to find what you need.  With more visuals and sample documents than other essential handbooks, this handy full-color reference gives you just what you need to know about the writing and research processes, while providing extensive coverage of documentation and grammar.  “Source Samples” in the documentation chapters give you pages from actual sources with notes explaining where to find the information to create a citation. Will answer any questions a writer has about grammar, the writing process, or research.The writing process, critical thinking, argumentative writing, style, grammar, mechanics, usage, the research process, how to document sources.Anyone who wants a reliable writing reference book.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2009
ISBN-13 9780205648726
ISBN-10 020564872X
Class Copyright
Publisher Longman Publishing
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 288
Length of Recording 10
Shelf No. JM357