In a rocky economy, everyone wants a rock-solid career. And you don’t need to trade salary for security. This new book uncovers the 150 most secure, good-paying jobs in good and bad times. A total of 75 lists rank the best recession-proof jobs by pay, growth, and openings, plus by education level, personality type, career clusters/interests, age, part-time work, and self-employment. Bonus lists reveal the most recession-proof metropolitan areas and states, the most recession-proof skills, and the jobs very sensitive to recession. The detailed job descriptions give helpful facts on pay, growth, openings, tasks, skills needed, education and training required, work environment, job security, highest- and lowest-growth industries for the job, and fastest-growing metropolitan areas for the job. A special part explains how to recession-proof your career, how the information can help in both good and bad economic times, and the short-term and long-term outlook. Readers gain career tips for shaky times, including how to be the irreplaceable worker.