Image for Ender's shadow

Ender's shadow

The Shadow Series ; Book 1

by Orson Scott Card


Welcome to Battleschool.

Growing up is never easy. But try living on the mean streets as a child begging for food and fighting like a dog with ruthless gangs of starving kids who wouldn't hesitate to pound your skull into pulp for a scrap of apple. If Bean has learned anything on the streets, it's how to survive. And not with fists. He is way too small for that. But with brains.

Bean is a genius with a magician's ability to zero in on his enemy and exploit his weakness.

What better quality for a future general to lead the Earth in a final climactic battle against a hostile alien race, known as Buggers. At Battleschool Bean meets and befriends another future commander - Ender Wiggins - perhaps his only true rival.

Only one problem: for Bean and Ender, the future is now.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2002
ISBN-13 9780765342409
ISBN-10 0765342405
Class Copyright
Publisher Starscape
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 470
Length of Recording 14
Shelf No. JQ563
Grade Range 7-
Ages 14-