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International Studies

An Interdisciplinary Approach to Global Issues

by Charles Stevens; Jeanne A. K. Hey; Stanley W. Toops; Mark Allen Peterson; Sheldon Anderson


No one social science can adequately provide explanations and solutions for problems that transcend national boundaries, such as international conflict, political and economic development, ethnic conflict, and terrorism. This core text is the first to provide a much-neededinterdisciplinaryapproach to international studies.The authors include a geographer, a historian, a political scientist, and an anthropologist. Emphasizing their connectedness, each details the methodologies and subject matter of their respective disciplines to provide a fuller understanding of the world. The second part of the book applies these disciplines to regional chapters, providing students with an understanding of the issues facing these regions and their connection to the global community. Case studies at the end of the book give studies students a closer look at the geographic, historical, cultural, economic, and political elements of issues such as genocide and national identity. This disciplinary and regional combination provides professors with a cohesive framework to teach the broad spectrum of international affairs through a wholly unique interdisciplinary approach that is indispensable for students’ understanding of global issues.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2008
ISBN-13 9780813343723
ISBN-10 0813343720
Class Copyright
Publisher Westview Press
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 472
Length of Recording 23
Shelf No. JT505