Image for Writing


A Guide for College and Beyond

Faigley Ser.

by Lester Faigley


Writing: A Guide for College and Beyond uses written instruction and visual tools to teaches how to read, write, and research effectively for different purposes.   Lester Faigley’s clear and inviting teaching style and Dorling Kindersley’s accessible and striking design combine to create a textbook that shows what readers and writers actually do.  Unique, dynamic presentations of reading, writing, and research processes in the text bring writing alive and speaks to those with many learning styles.  Throughout the book, the readers are engaged and learning, with such notable features as “process maps” to guide through the major writing assignments, extensive examples of student “Writers at work,” and diverse, distinctive reading selections.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2010
ISBN-13 9780205648702
ISBN-10 0205564870
Class Copyright
Publisher Longman Publishing
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 784
Length of Recording 33
Shelf No. JT609