Image for Explorations in Diversity

Explorations in Diversity

Examining Privilege and Oppression in a Multicultural Society

by Sharon K. Anderson; Valerie A. Middleton


This unique text features personal accounts from mental health professionals, professors and students facing issues of privilege and oppression in our diverse society. In this collection of articles, writers discuss discoveries and experiences about their own privileges and oppression, and ultimately, the compassion they've developed for individuals confronted with discrimination. Each essay will inspire you to reflect on your own encounters with privilege and oppression, while discussion questions at the end of each story provide an opportunity to process these issues on a personal level. By studying these revealing stories of insight and understanding, you'll learn how to recognize, examine, and finally, come to terms with your own privileges and discrimination -- allowing you to become a stronger, more acute, and more effective practitioner of the helping professions.

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Classic Audio

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Book Information

Copyright year 2011
ISBN-13 9780840032157
ISBN-10 0840032153
Class Copyright
Publisher Brooks/Cole
File Size 0 MB
Number of Pages 320
Length of Recording 17
Shelf No. KB242