The first U.S. textbook to offer students a truly global approach,Introduction to Global Politicsbrings together an expert team of international scholars who provide a current, engaging, non-U.S. perspective on international relations.
Authors Steven L. Lamy, John Baylis, Steve Smith, and Patricia Owens help students to identify patterns, to apply theories, and to see "the whole chessboard" of global politics. The book's unique organization facilitates this global approach by dividing typical course coverage into several core areas of study--"Foundations," "Theories," "Actors," and "Issues"--allowing not only for maximum teaching flexibility but also for more thoughtful classroom discussions on various theories, transnational actors, and timely global issues. Adding interesting features and critical thinking questions throughout each chapter, the authors take the global approach one step further, encouraging students to develop their own informed worldviews.
* "Global Perspective" essays:Featured in every chapter, these essays open windows onto other parts of the world, showing how other countries and world organizations perceive and manage global politics.
* "Theory in Practice" essays:Demonstrating the explanatory power of theories in global politics, these essays examine real-world scenarios using a variety of theoretical lenses.
* "Case Study" essays:These boxed essays delve into timely and teachable moments from world events, providing students with more in-depth analyses of specific topics.
* "What's Your Worldview?" critical-thinking questions:Short, critical-thinking questions in every chapter challenge students to develop their own, more well-informed ideas about global actors and issues.
* Instructor's Resource Manual:Includes lecture suggestions, chapter outlines, group activities, multimedia suggestions, and a comprehensive Test Bank
* Computerized Test Bank:Provides multiple-choice, short answer, and essay questions
* Companion Website ( further information about the book, student resources (study aids, chapter outlines, flashcards, quizzes for review, practice tests, and links to useful websites), and password-protected instructor's resources (Instructor's Resource Manual, PowerPoint-based lecture slides, and maps)