For over two decades,Skills for Preschool Teachershas prepared teachers, teaching assistants, college students, classroom volunteers, and CDA candidates to work with children three-to-five years of age in preschools, center-based child care, Head Starts, and pre-kindergartens. The skills for working with young children are presented in 13 easily-readable, fact-filled chapters, each of which is based on one of the CDA "functional areas": safe, healthy, learning environment, physical, cognitive, communication, creative, self-concept, social, guidance, family, program management, and professionalism. Its use of practical checklists for observing children and the classroom environment has been a hallmark of this text, as well as its use of the latest children’s picture books as lead-ins to every curriculum area covered. Practitioners will appreciate the appropriate NAEYC Program Standards in every chapter, as well as a section on inclusion and how to help children with disabilities succeed in classroom activities. New topics in this ninth edition include: how to respond to bullying in the classroom and playground; an expanded discussion of brain research and cognitive development; critical information on helping “dual-language learners” who are learning English as well as their own home langua≥ and creating a professional portfolio. Proven in content and clearly written, this sound resource provides the practitioner with solid, practical tips, new research, and empirically-based methods and strategies for working with and teaching young children in an array of educational settings.