Image for Making Literature Matter

Making Literature Matter

An Anthology for Readers and Writers

by John Schilb; John Clifford


Students have always responded powerfully to the memorable stories, poems, plays, and essays gathered in distinctive clusters in Making Literature Matter’s thematic anthology. At the same time, the book’s chapters on reading, writing and research help students harness those responses into persuasive, well-supported arguments about the issues raised by the literature. As ever, the new edition of Making Literature Matter reflects John Schilb and John Clifford’s careful attention to emerging pedagogical needs and trends. In response to instructor requests, they have expanded their treatment of argumentation and research, and refined their approach to literary genres. Further, they read widely to identify some of the most engaging fiction, poetry, drama, and nonfiction published recently, and based their new choices for the sixth edition on how well that literature raises and explores issues that matter to students right now.

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Book Information

Copyright year 2015
ISBN-13 9781457674150
ISBN-10 1457674157
Class Copyright
Publisher Bedford/Saint Martin's
File Size 1075 MB
Number of Pages 1600
Shelf No. KV708