This resource is also known as Bob Jones World History Student Book Grade 10, 3rd Edition. The history of the world is a multifaceted subject that can be studied from many various angles and with specifics on a wide range of topics. BJU Press' World History follows the whole history from a Christian perspective, using the Bible as the lens through which students explore God's providence in the affairs of men. This student text includes numerous sidebars with intriguing bits of information, as well as full-color photographs of both modern areas and ancient artifacts. The seven units are divided into chapters (ranging from 2-6 per unit) that begin with a brief summary and timeline. Section quizzes are introduced at the end of each major section of a chapter, and each chapter also ends with a review. Chapter reviews include words to define, identify, and locate; Review questions; and "what do you think?" questions. Units cover the Ancient, Eastern, Medieval, Awakening, Enlightened, European, and Modern world. Activity pages, charts, timelines, maps, dates and other features are also included throughout the student text. 589 pages, indexed, softcover. This 4th Edition has been updated to a single volume, and has had the introduction and final chapter re-written to bring it up-to-date with current events. Enhanced biblical integration, more critical thinking questions, more primary source documents, and updated photos, charts, and maps, are also included. This resource is also known as Bob Jones World History Student Book Grade 10, 4th Edition.