Monday - Friday 8:30am-6:00pm EST 1-800-221-4792
How do I read my audiobooks in the Learning Ally Audiobook App?
Where do I go to download Learning Ally Audiobooks for Windows or Mac computers?
Where do I go to download Learning Ally Audiobooks for Chromebooks?
Are Learning Ally audiobooks compatible with Kindle E-readers or Fire tablets?
Why can't I hear my audiobook?
How can I reset my child's or student's username or password?
How can I login to Learning Ally if I forgot my username or password?
Am I able to read offline?
With which computers is Learning Ally Audiobooks compatible?
How do I add new books to download in the Learning Ally app for iOS devices?
How do I delete downloaded audiobooks?
How do I add new books to download in Learning Ally Link?
How do I authorize my DAISY device to play Learning Ally audiobooks?
With which iOS devices is the Learning Ally app compatible?
How do I reset a password for an adult, educator, or parent online account?
Are Learning Ally audiobooks compatible with Nook E-readers or tablets?
With which Android devices is the Learning Ally app compatible?
Are Learning Ally audiobooks compatible with Window tablets or phones?
With which screen readers is Learning Ally Audiobooks compatible?
How do I change my download destination in Learning Ally Audiobooks?
Error Message: Book decryption error. LCP licence key is corrupted on book...
What are the keyboard commands for Learning Ally Link?
How do I push Learning Ally Link for PC out to multiple computers in a school setting?
How do I download my audiobooks to other DAISY devices?
Is Learning Ally Audio compatible with VoiceOver for iOS?
How do I download my audiobooks to a Humanware Stream?
With which DAISY devices/software is Learning Ally compatible?
How do I download my audiobooks to a PLEXTALK Pocket?
Representatives are available at 800-221-4792 Monday through Friday, from 8:30am-6:00pm EST.
Email: Website: Fax: 609-751-5263 Mailing Address: Learning Ally 20 Roszel Rd. Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 800-221-4792, option 4 Email:
Phone: 800-221-4792, option 3 Email:
Phone: 800-221-4792, option 2 Email:
If you have any questions on accessibility or the use of screen readers with our products or services, please email us at